Gold and Relics Gold Prospecting Adventures cater for everybody, from those with little or no experience, to more experienced prospectors who are wanting to improve their technique and find more gold.
Their guides are professional gold prospectors and each one of them has found a lot of gold. Some guides have found hundreds of ounces of gold.
Gold and Relics Gold Prospecting Adventure Tours teach you what the professionals don’t want you to know. You will learn more in one day by taking a tour with Gold and Relics Adventure Tours than you would learn in ten years trying to do it alone.
Many people find gold on these tours. Gold and Relics Gold Prospecting Adventure Tours had a participant on a Gold and Relics Adventure Tour find a nine ounce specimen nugget, with seven ounces of gold in it, worth well over $10,000. Two sisters found a 40 gram gold nugget and a 47 gram gold nugget last year. More recently, a 16 year old Colac boy found a two ounce gold nugget worth approximately $3000. With a little bit of luck, you too could join these success stories.
Book in for a Gold Prospecting Adventure today.