Put down the razor and let the face rug grow. That's the message from the Ballarat Beard and Moustache Union, who in conjunction with Ballarat Heritage Weekend, are bringing back some of the best beards in the country for Ballarat’s Beard and Stache Competition.
With five categories to be judged (and more than $1000 in cash and prizes up for grabs) you’re going to want to get involved. Showcase your fantastic chin wear and upper lip warmers – everyone is encouraged to register for their chance to win and be forever captured in facial hair folklore. And don’t despair if your face has no hair, there’s plenty of entertainment including bands, craft beverages, market stalls, and a just for fun category to keep you entertained.
There is a category to suit everyone, Full Beard 20cm-infinity , full beard 10-20cm, Moustache, Partial Beard, Verdi (under 10cm) and for those not competing there's a 'Just for fun' category for freestylers or even fake beards (That includes the ladies to).