Wadawurrung artist Jenna Oldaker (Murrup Art) has been commissioned to design the ‘Begonia’ letters which will be on display in Sturt Street.
The artwork on each letter of ‘Begonia’ represents something different.
B – River Red Gum - The wood of the tree is traditionally used to make shields and canoes, whilst the gum leaves are used to smoke eels and possums.
E – Milkmaids - The starchy, tuberous roots are cooked and eaten as a traditional food source.
G – Bulbine Lily - The sweet tubers are a traditional food source, and it’s often referred to as a ‘native leek’ due to its mild onion flavour.
O – Cherry Ballart - The small, red fruits are a traditional food source for Wadawurrung people, and the foliage is used as part of traditional smoking ceremonies.
N – Austral Grass Tree - the tree root and nectar are a traditional food source, whilst the flowering stems at the top are used to make spears and fire sticks, and the resin used to make adhesive.
I – Golden Wattle - the wattle gum is a traditional food source, and the fibres from the tree are used to make string to weave baskets and bags.
A – Slender Bindweed - The starchy roots are a traditional source of food for Wadawurrung people.